MAY 5-6, 2023
A Letter to Parents...
Each spring, our department hosts the Annual WPS Student Art Show. This exhibition is intended to showcase the hard work and efforts of our visual arts students. While we would love to include a piece from every student, we are limited in time and space. Please note that should a student’s work not be selected, it does not mean that they are underperforming in art class, nor that they won’t have the opportunity to display work in other community exhibitions or at a future WPS Student Art Show. Even if a student’s artwork is not selected for display in the WPS Student Art Show, the art showcase provides a wonderful opportunity for students and families to see the wide range of art projects students will be creating in the years ahead.
The intention of our district art show is to provide a celebration of the craftsmanship and creativity fostered in the Wilmington Public Schools over the course of the year at all grade levels and buildings. As a department, we try to instill the importance of having a creative voice for all of our students, both individually and within the community. In an effort to create a common assessment tool for determining exhibition-quality pieces, the art department developed a rubric to guide our art show selection process. This scoring rubric helps us identify potential work for display based on meeting or exceeding grade level expectations for craftsmanship and creativity. While a number of artworks may meet the rubric standards, there is a limited amount of time and space for setting up the end of year showcase requiring teachers to narrow the final quantity of works displayed. If you would like additional information regarding the selection process, feel free to reach out to the department liaison or your student’s art teacher for details.
Thank you for your understanding and for your continued support of our department.
We hope that you will join us for the show in May.
Kind Regards,
The WPS Art Department